An integral component in supporting a student's success in academic and life skills is regular daily school attendance. Utah State law requires that parents have their student attend school on a regular basis. Parents should communicate with their student's school regarding attendance issues, and notify the school when a student will be absent from school. Students should not be allowed to stay home from school unless they are ill. Utah law also requires schools to monitor a student's attendance and communicate with the parent or guardian when a non-attendance pattern develops. There may be circumstances when the school will request medical documentation to excuse an absence.
The beginning of the school day establishes a learning climate, thus parents are encouraged to have their student arrive at school on time. The cooperative efforts of parents and the school will support the success of a child's regular school attendance.
Regular school attendance is mandated by state law (Utah Code §53G-6-202). For any questions regarding attendance or truancy, please contact our Student Support Services Department at 801-567-8205 for information.
Ideas for Improving Attendance